Sadaf Beg
The first glance at Sadaf Beg’s paintings gives away many clues about her style and technique but the real joy lies in understanding and experiencing the dancing harmony of colors in her paintings, be it a landscape, a figure or an artist’s feeling expressed through color. Without music, the usage of lively colors and their juxtaposition seem to play music in the surrounding.
A nature’s lover, Sadaf was born and has spent childhood in a village. Nature has been her healer, her companion and her inspiration, the reflection of which is clearly visible in her paintings.
Women and nature are major themes of Sadaf’s paintings as she strongly believes that a women’s femininity is her greatest strength. The depiction of woman in any form invites one to notice many aspects of woman-femininity, beauty, vulnerability and her strength.
Studied at AMU of her B.F.A and M.F.A, Sadaf’s medium of painting is acrylics on canvas. She has developed her individual style of using dots in her paintings that give them distinct feel.